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Dog Grooming Bath Tubs

Dog holding a bucket in its mouthIf you’re wondering whether it’s worth spending money on a dog grooming bath, or whether to simply make do with the bath you already have in your home, this article might help you to make your mind up.

One of the most important benefits of purpose-designed dog grooming bath tubs is that they raise your pet up to a more comfortable height from which you can give him a thorough wash without bending double and putting your back out. This is especially important if you already have a bad back because stooping down low can exacerbate your problem and is best avoided.

If your dog is high spirited or nervous of taking a bath, most good quality dog baths come fitted with leash restraints and even a special collar so that you don’t need to worry about your dog holding still while you’re washing him. In fact, many dogs will leap right out of the bath given half the chance, which can get tiresome if they do it repeatedly, or if they run away to the living room where they proceed to shake themselves dry all over your new widescreen TV. So proper restraints are very important to a trouble free bathing experience.

Often when bathing your dog you’ll find that they slip and slide all over the place, which makes bathtime difficult for you and unsettling for your dog. Dogs do not like slippery surfaces because they like to be able to stand up straight and, quite understandably, can’t abide falling over. It is important to ensure your dog can stand still when bathing him and you’ll find that most purpose-built dog grooming tubs come with a specially designed, non-slip, base.

For convenience, many of the dog grooming baths on the market are collapsible, which means they can easily be folded away and don’t take up too much room in your house.

Another great feature, particularly for those with large or heavy dogs, that often comes as an extra is a ramp that allows you to walk your dog up to the bath and avoids the need for heavy lifting of awkward animals who’d much rather not be in the bath at all.

In my opinion, dog grooming bath tubs are a must-have item for anyone who regularly bathes their pet. It is very easy to put this task off for another week or two if it is a major operation because you don’t have the right dog grooming tools to make bathtime go more smoothly. The question of how often should you bathe a dog must not be governed by the dread you feel whenever you think about it. Rather it should be based upon the needs of your pet, and this will be much easier if you have the right tools for the job.

So, if you still can’t see the benefits of proper dog grooming bath tubs over the alternative of making do with a standard (human) bath, you either have a very well-behaved dog or you like making things hard for yourself. If you are convinced that you need one (and you should be), get yourself down to your local dog grooming supplies store – or search online for mail order dog grooming equipment specialists – and order one today. You’ll be glad you did.


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