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Perfume SprayThere are a number of different aromatic pet spritzers on the market, which combine the finest essential oils that help deodorise, repel insects and soothe the coat of your dog. They will also help to soothe your dog’s soul… or so the marketing would have us believe.

Grand claims of spiritual healing aside, I think that the main benefit to these little sprays is that they smell nice. Some can be used directly on your dog as an in-between bath spray, or on the dog’s bedding, in the car, in fact anywhere around the home. If your home smells fresh, it makes for a pleasant environment for human and dog alike.

There are a whole host of flavours to choose from. You could opt for the stimulating boost of citrus with its uplifting anti-oxidant, anti-depressant properties. It can even help to repel insects.

You might prefer a floral fragrance, such as a cleansing lavender, geranium or rose scented spritzer, which has a calming, hydrating effect.

Alternatively, you could spice things up a little with a warming ylang-ylang and vanilla combo. This has antiseptic, anti-bacterial and anti-microbial benefits.

Fresh ginger can be a real tonic in aromatic spritzers for pets because of its uplifting, refreshing qualities.

Or, if all those lovely smells are more than you desire, you could opt for a neutral, organic formulation, which eliminates unpleasant odours at their source without leaving a scent to cover them up. Highly effective and non-toxic.

Other uses of aromatherapy spritzers that you may want to try include:

So get hold of some of these spritzers and give them a try, you’ll be surprised just how lovely they smell…


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